Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Better than Before

I feel better than I did earlier today. I met MissKree for a quick cocktail at our part-time gig. Which I really didn't want to go, but Kree is my friend, so I went anyway. As of tonight if I'm not workin I'm not going to none of my part-time gigs, yeah I have two bars that I work at and I'm actually tired of working. But I love the money fuk that I need the money. I love to shop and I need this money to make me and my son both happy. He hate it but a girl has to do what a girl has to do. His father don't give me nothing not that I need him too. But it will be nice if he offer at time. Fuk Him..... So now I get there and I see the same old azz bitty there. Damn go home already, everytime I come in the bar you are in the bar. So today I decide to wave to everyone verse going around giving out hugs and kisses, fuk it let them come to me sometimes. So we have a couple of drinks, vent a lil, strike up another conversation to take our mind off of the real problem. That's really not working, but it was worth a try, now it's time to go. I need to cook, play my few dollars for my dreams and go home and take it down.

Oh I forgot to call Fire and Air, he stated he wanted to drop off my son's gift. I called of course he doesn't answer which is cool with me really just want to go home and cry. But as I'm driving I really need to go home a laugh to keep from crying. I'm crying inside never outside I guess I'm depress, fuk that snap out of this shit you are definitely trippin. I decide to go rent the 40 Year Old VIrgin. I heard it was funny and trust me I need a good laugh.

don't wish your girlfriend was hot like me , Oh wow Fire and Air is calling back! Hey! I will be by there in a half/hour, cool no problem.

So I prepared my dinner, clean up a lil, rolled my L, head for the shower and here comes Fire and Air. Bogie open up the door, for who, you will see when you get there. He opens up the door and Fire and Air scares the crap out him, him and dog both take off running to hide. So now I double check on whose really at the door. Oh ok it him. I guess he's in a playing mood.
Damn the shower felt good as hell. I didn't want to get out but I had to entertain my company. So we are enjoy the L and watching the movie, which was funny as hell. I need that laugh and the company, actually Fire and Air has been nice latley I have to keep telling him how he makes me feel sometimes. So latlety he been keeping in contact on a daily basis verse once a week. So we are still laughing about any and everything and thats what I really need to make my night better than my day.......


Blogger MsPerdie said...

That's good you had a good laugh. i told you the movie was funny...LOL!!! Cheer up girlie, it only gets better!

12:05 PM  

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